Analytics Dashboard Updates

Configure payment method for admin booking checkout

  • You are now able to checkout bookings with any payment methods that are accepted by your centre.
  • If you would like to add or remove a payment method, please reach out to customer success team to proceed the request.
  • Courtsite Online Payment is default while the other payment methods are configurable.

Analytics Dashboard Updates

  • If your centre has more than one sports, you may now filter by sports (category) on Revenue and Ulitisation Dashboard. If nothing is selected, the dashboard will show All by default.
  • We have now change both Revenue and Ulitisation figures into pie charts. When you move the pointer to any slice of the pie chart, you will be able to view the detail figures.

Revenue Dashboard

  • Total revenue of your centre is now shown as a pie chart that includes all payment methods that are listed in your centre, with the percentage and the total amount of each payment method.
  • A pie chart showing total revenue by sport categories is included in revenue dashboard, with the percentage and the total amount of categories.
  • We have now combined revenue breakdown tables into one table. Payments that go through Courtsite platform will be listed as “Courtsite Online Payment”, while other admin bookings will be listed according to the checkout payment method.

Utilisation Dashboard

  • UPDATE - The number of hours utilised is now shown as a pie chart that includes the percentage of admin and online bookings hours in your centre.
  • NEW - Average Hours Utilised = total booking hours divided by total court.
  • UPDATE - The total revenue by utilisation is now shown as a pie chart that includes the percentage of admin and online bookings revenue by utilisation in your centre.
  • NEW - Average Revenue Yield = total revenue utilisation divided by total courts.
  • NEW - We have now include a bar chart showing number of hours utilised vs. revenue by category, where you are able to view the total utilised hours and total revenue of each category of your centre.

Interested to find out more? Please drop by your contact HERE and we will get in touch with you shortly. For existing partner centres, do reach out to your friendly Courtsite customer success consultant for details and training.